Making WordPress Work

As you can see I am currently using the free version. This will change as funds increase. When it changes I will say something about it, and the process taken. One of the other things is finding the right template, as you can imagine the best ones are not free. I am not going to go through how to do it here as thats not the point. But you can get excellent guidance from various online sites or WordPress themselves. Have a look at

Ok so the blog is up and running but how can you get it to work for you. First things first you need to decide on what you can afford. Decide on your plan and your domain. If you go for free as I have you can upgrade later. Stick up a picture that defines your business or if the business is you put up the picture of you

Before you start blogging I suggest you get comfortable with the dashboard first after you register. If you don’t then I promise you, you will make mistakes, I know I did.

Once you have got comfortable, you then need a theme. As with plans some are free some are not, so choose wisely.

Depending on what you do purchase, you can the customise certain aspects of it to make it your own. You can headers, backgrounds, widgets, colours and fonts can all be changed. But again depending on what you have paid for your options could be limited.

Once you have decided what to write and publish it, what else can you do. If you feel really keen you can add video, pictures even audio. Go on create a podcast! This is something I will be doing but this will come later in the process.

Don’t forget to add a picture that defines your blog, this can be a personal picture or something unusual. The picture can be added through the general settings or you can use something referred to as a Gravatar.

So how can you get your blog noticed. You have all heard of TAGs right, what you haven’t? Tags provide a useful way to group posts together. They also make it easier for others to find content. Don,t get confused between tags and categories though. Categories also group posts together but are broader in there definitions. For instance the Category could be Airplanes, but the tags could be Boing 747, Dreamliner, Airbus etc. Easy to get it wrong so consider what your tag will be. Is it highlighting a topic within the blog post or is it defining the post. Categories show up in your sidebar. Tags will appear along the bottom.

Tags and comments alone wont do much though unless someone stumbles upon you by accident. You need to get on social media and get people to like and share your comments. So this is where i will go next. Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn and Pinterest are the main ones I will use. But again the use of social media has to be done right, just having all these internet communication mechanisms wont really crack it either. It needs to be done right.

One last think despite doing this free as mentioned I will sign up for the premier account, this will remove the, or I might even transfer it to a web host, create the WordPress site offline and then upload it to my host. I have downloaded the WordPress file from This will allow me to create a greater website, that will include a database where i can build up a subscribers list. Keep watching as the roots start to grow.

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